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Back-to-School Necessities: DIY Box Zipper Pouch

Back-to-school season is nearly here, which means it’s time to get organized and prepare for the busy semester ahead. Need more ways to keep your things in order as you travel from home to dorm and beyond? This DIY box zipper pouch is easy to make with a sewing machine. It will also help you keep your things organized this school year.

Supplies You’ll Need

Here are the items you’ll need to get started:

  • Sewing machine

  • Fat quarters of canvas fabric and quilting cotton

  • Fusible interfacing (medium to heavy)

  • Zipper (12” or longer)

Now, it’s time to get crafting!

Box Zipper Pouch Sewing Machine Instructions

Cut out pieces of canvas, quilting cotton, and interfacing based on the size of pouch you prefer.

Fuse the piece of interfacing to the canvas.

Place the zipper pull in the middle of the zipper. Match a long side of the canvas to the right side of the zipper tape. Match a long side of the quilting cotton to the long side of the zipper tape.

Pin all 3 layers to each other. Sew them with your sewing machine using a zipper foot. Pause halfway through (while the needle is still in the fabric), lift the foot, and take the zipper pull out of the needle’s path.

Press all 3 fabrics away from the zipper and edgestitch them away. Move the zipper pull back to the zipper’s center again.

Match the other long side of the canvas to the right side of your other zipper tape, then match the quilting cotton’s other long side to the long side of your other zipper tape. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for these edges.

Match the right side of the canvas’ short end with the right side of the zipper side’s short end. Pin together, pull the quilting cotton’s short end away and down to come around the rest of the fabric to the other side.

Match the quilting cotton’s short end with the pinned pieces, but on the canvas’ other side. Pin all layers and sew all of the layers together.

Trim off any excess zipper length and repeat on the pouch’s other side.

Finally, turn your pouch right side out and stitch the four corner holes closed in a folded-over position.

Crafting Tools, DIY Ideas, and More at Goldstar Tool

Have a passion for crafting? Find all of the DIY tools you’ll need and more sewing machine craft ideas at Goldstar Tool.