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DIY Camping Chair Bag

Have you had countless camping chair bags tear apart long before they should? Have you ever wondered why? Maybe the stitching for the handle was poorly done. Perhaps the fabric wore away in some key areas, and the whole thing ripped in half. Whatever the reason, just toss that old bag because we’re going to make a new one!

Gathering Materials

Here’s how much fabric you’ll need:

  • Upper body and strap: ½ yard

  • Lower body and bottom: ⅔ yard

  • Cord: 24 inches

You’ll also need a cord lock if you don’t feel like tying and untying knots.

Prep Your Materials

Now, let’s cut the fabric into pieces:

  • Strap: A strip that’s 4 inches by 26 inches

  • Upper Body: A rectangle that’s 11 inches by 23 inches

  • Lower Body: A rectangle that’s 22 inches by 33 inches

  • Circle for Bottom: A circle that’s 7 inches in diameter

You’ll also need standard tools, such as an iron, thread, needle, sewing machine, sheers, and a tape measure.

Assembling Your Bag

For the strap, fold the fabric strip in half along its length and press. Then fold in the sides toward the center, leaving about ⅛ inch between them. Then fold it in half again. Sew a top-stitch right down the lengthwise sides.

For the upper body, fold the short sides over ½ inch twice, and hem with a top-stitch. Pin the long side of the upper body fabric to the short side of the lower body fabric. Make sure the right sides are together and the two pieces are centered. Leaving a half-inch seam allowance, stitch, and backstitch with a zig-zag pattern.

Press the seam toward the upper body. Topstitch ⅛ inch from your seam. Now, take the raw edge and press in ½ inch. Then press in 1 inch. Finally, top-stitch ⅛ inch from the inner fold.

Time to grab your handle. It should be 5 inches from the side edge of the body and down one inch from the seam between the upper and lower body. Take the unsightly and sharp edge of your handle and fold it under ½ inch.

Sew it to your bag by making a square shape with an X in it. Now take the bottom of your strap and place it 10 inches from the bottom and 5 inches from the side edge and sew it the same way.

Then, fold the body of the bag in half and pin the upper/lower seam. Stitch a ½-inch seam into the lower body with a zig-zag pattern. Turn the bag inside out, pin the bottom circle to the body, and use your sewing machine to stitch.

Remove pins before you sew over them. Add reinforcement stitches. Insert chair. Enjoy your high-quality chair bag.

Sew More with GoldStar Tools

You might not be able to depend on cheap camping chair bags, but you can depend on GoldStar Tools. Get everything you need for your sewing projects today!