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GoldStar Tool’s 2021 Cyber Monday Sale!

As the nation’s #1 independent web retailer of fashion and sewing supplies, did you really think we weren’t going to participate in Cyber Monday? Keep the week of deals going with 20% off of our entire site! Exclusions apply. If you would like to participate in our biggest week of sales, use the code CYBER20 at checkout from November 29th at 12 a.m. to December 2nd at 11:59 p.m.!

Check out our Cyber Monday sale here! Add anything you want that is not excluded and enter the code in your cart, and celebrate the holidays with 20% off your entire order! What better way to prepare for the holidays than with some new sewing supplies from GoldStar Tool! And better yet, if you’re in the United States, you can enjoy 99¢ shipping as well!

Could the end of November get any better? Yes, it can! While you are on our site, enter our Holiday Giveaway! You could be one of 10 people to win a $100 gift card to GoldStar Tool! Check out our blog here on how to enter.