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How Taking Breaks Can Improve Your Creative Process

Accessing inspiration and creativity are essential parts of life. But even the most talented artists and designers will find themselves faced with creative blockages from time to time.

While there’s often a sense of urgency to produce something great when inspiration strikes, there’s no reason to panic when the process isn’t happening quickly. In fact, there’s a lot to be said about how stepping away and taking a break can improve your creative process and fire up some inspired ideas along the way!

Give Yourself Time and Space to Think

Whether you love getting creative on canvas or at a sewing machine, trying to force good ideas into reality is rarely effective. Sometimes, the best thing to do is remove yourself from the familiar space and take a break to get the creative juices flowing.

While this could be a trip out of town, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a long-distance endeavor. Even a simple walk down the block, taking time to breathe in the fresh air and soak up the sunshine can stimulate a new perspective on a creative process.

Stepping away from a project is a strategy that helps creative ideas come your way more organically. When you remove the element of pressure or time restraints, you’re more likely to be open to ideas you might have missed amid stress.

Avoid Burnout

Creativity comes in many forms. Whether an artist is throwing clay on a wheel, spinning colorful glass, or designing customized apparel at a sewing machine, the physical process can be demanding. Coming up with something inspired and new runs the real risk of becoming a process that leads to burnout.

Taking purposeful breaks is vital for giving your body and mind time to recover from creative efforts. Making it a point to focus on rejuvenation with the same passion you put into creative projects makes for a more balanced and generally successful experience.  

Find Inspiration in New Places (Yes, Away from the Sewing Machine)

For some artistic minds, doing the same thing over and over is what leads to creative blocks. Building breaks into your life and schedule is an excellent way to push yourself into new environments where unexpected inspiration might be found!

For example, walking away from the sewing machine and heading to the park for 20 minutes during your day could be the break you need to find an idea inspired by nature. Likewise, signing up for a mid-week dance class that takes you away from work may inspire you to new ideas for novels, pottery designs, poetry, or something more.  

Whatever the case may be, taking breaks isn’t to be confused with being lazy. On the contrary, it’s a strategic way to fuel your inspiration and enhance your creative process in a big way!

GoldStar Tool

At GoldStar Tool, creativity drives everything we do. So when you’re looking for the accessories and supplies to get your new project underway, we’re here to help.

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