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How to Mend a Ripped Seam Yourself

The memes abound, and it's not just beloved 00's cartoon characters who rip their pants. No, it can happen to the best of us, but there is good news! If you rip a seam, there is no need to worry or panic. You can take charge of embarrassing situations and mend seams yourself pretty easily. It's a life skill that will pay off, again and again, so get cracking, then get mending! 

As a bonus, this method isn’t just for correcting embarrassing rips but can be used for mending anything from pillows to clothes and more.

There are many ways you can mend or even finish seams, whether it be with an overlocker, a traditional sewing machine, or by hand. Below, we will give a simple method of mending that you should try next time you rip apart a seam of any kind.

Here is what you will need to mend your seam: 

  • Scissors
  • Sewing Machine
  • Thread
  • Iron/Ironing Board

Get Started

Find the hole in the fabric and identify the original stitching line and determine how much damage has been done, so you know what needs to be fixed. It should be pretty obvious, and you don’t need to worry much about the details of the stitch. 

Pull the item inside-out and pin the seam back into place. This instance is one of the few times that you do want to pin with the direction of the stitching line rather than horizontally.

If there are loose threads on either side of the rip, you will want to tie these off to prevent the item from unraveling more. This should lead you with only the ripped hole to mend.

Next, fold your fabric back to see the two pieces of fabric that you're putting back together. Lay your seam, maybe a half-inch back from the beginning of the rip. 

Then sew straight forward over the stitch line. You should have something really nice and straight, and more than anything else, invisible. Continue to sew past the hole you are mending, sewing over the original seam on the other side of the rip.

Finishing Touches

Now, if your fabric frayed a lot, you may need to make a completely new seam to save it. However, if your fabric is only frayed a little, you can run over it with a zigzag stitch, overlocker, or serger. This will help reduce fraying by keeping the stitch length short and sealing the edge. Once finished, you can use an iron to press your seam and hide any stitching mistakes you may have made. This will leave your item looking like new!

If sewing machines aren't your thing just yet, you can still follow the steps above and hand-stitch the seam. Make sure to keep your stitches short and secure. A sewing machine is an investment, but it's one that will start paying itself off immediately. With a good sewing machine, you can mend rips, hem and alter clothes, and complete stunning projects on your own!

Ripped jeans happen, and instead of throwing them away, now you know how to mend them. Knowing how to mend a ripped seam can come in handy, whether mending a pair of jeans, a jacket, or even home decor, such as pillows. A seam is a point where two or more layers of material are held together with stitching. Knowing how to mend any seam will keep you from having to throw anything out.

If you are ready to purchase a sewing machine, GoldStar Tool has a variety to choose from, whether you are looking for a home or industrial machine. Be sure to contact us if you need help choosing a machine suited for you.