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How to Sew Your Own Christmas Tree Skirt

If you want a one-of-a-kind tree skirt that fits in perfectly with your home, you can DIY a tree skirt yourself! We’ll show you how to make an effortless, round tree skirt that you can adapt to any size.


As always, a successful DIY project starts with having the right materials and tools on hand. For this project you’ll need:

  • Fabric for the skirt (front and back fabrics)
  • Batting or muslin
  • 1 yard of ribbon
  • Pins
  • Fabric scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Iron
  • Marking tools

Step One: Choosing Fabric

While you could choose a traditional velvet or Christmas print cotton, don’t be afraid to get a little crazy with it. There are two sides to this DIY tree skirt, so you can choose two fabrics that you like and use them interchangeably over the years.

Typically, you can find good deals on heirloom fabrics and velvet, but you can also upcycle forgotten scraps too. For a modern look, try a decorative pattern that mixes neutral colors with bright primary colors.

Step Two: Determining Size

Choosing fabric is easy, but deciding how much fabric, especially for round projects like this is difficult. To determine the size of your tree skirt, start by measuring the widest or bottommost layer of branches on your tree, then add 2 inches for seam allowance and space for the batting.

For example, if the measurement around your tree is 200-inches, then the diameter is about 64-inches (circumference divided by 3.14), and you’ll need 66-inches of fabric for 2 pieces of fabric.

Step Three: Cutting

Cutting for round projects makes so many new crafters nervous, but it allows for much more error than a straight cut would.

With your first square of fabric, you’ll want to fold in half diagonally, and then in half diagonally again, creating a triangle shape with the wrong side of the fabric showing. Fold it in half two more times, and you should end up with a very narrow triangle. Put a pin through the center keeping all the layers in place.

Using your marking tool, draw a line from the widest point of the triangle up to the shortest area of the raw edge. Cut the fabric along the line you made and then trim up any areas that don’t look like a circle when you fan out the fabric. Cut the second square of fabric by placing the circle fabric piece on top of the square and using the circular piece as a pattern.

Step Four: Create a Center Hole and Opening

Your stack of fabric can’t do much without a giant hole in the center and an opening for it to loop around the base of your tree. Fold your stack of fabric in half twice and mark an X to show the direct center of the fabric. Use a bowl and trace a circle, then draw a straight line out to the edge of the fabric.

Cut out the hold and opening.

Step Five: Attach Your Skirt Ties

Using your ribbon, you’ll need to cut it into steps of about 10-inches and pin a tie to both sides every six inches down the opening of your tree skirt.

Sewing your tree skirt ties into place is easy. With a Juki sewing machine, you can stitch the ribbon against the raw edge of your fabric against the bottom and lining layers. Pin the layers closed again making sure to leave the ribbon outside of the layers.

Step Six: Finish Your Seams

Finally, you’ll need to combine your layers “inside-out.” With a 1/4-inch seam allowance sew around the edge of the skirt Then you’ll sew up the opening, around the center hole and back down the opening until you have a 6-inch opening from where you started. Then flip your project out through the opening and stitch the opening shut by hand.

Now you’re done! Go ahead and wrap your one-of-a-kind tree skirt under the tree and get ready to celebrate Christmas.

For a wide selection of sewing supplies, including Juki sewing machines and other items you need for your projects, check out Goldstar Tool’s website. We have everything for the novice crafter to the expert seamstress and everyone in between.