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Make Your Own Duvet Cover

A gorgeous duvet cover has the power to tie the entire aesthetic of a bedroom together, especially when paired with tasteful décor and some nice natural light.

Want the perfect duvet cover to suit your space but don’t want to pay retail prices? With some basic materials and a little bit of know-how, you can create your own duvet cover that will complete your bedroom aesthetic without breaking the bank.

What Materials Will I Need?

This DIY duvet cover requires a sewing machine to get started. In addition to your sewing machine, you’ll need:

  • A comforter

  • Fabric scissors

  • 2 sheets in material of choice

  • Thread (match the color with the sheets)

  • Pins

  • Iron/ironing board

  • Ribbon

Now you’re ready to create your DIY duvet cover with whichever material and color you prefer. Keep in mind that if you use delicate materials for your sheets, such as satin or silk, you may need to use a special needle in your sewing machine to prevent tearing or puckering.

Step by Step Instructions

Select your sheets and make sure they match your comforter in size.

Cut your sheets down to be 3 inches longer and 2 inches wider than your comforter to budget for seams.

Lay your sheets so that the top edges match up to each other and the outside is facing in. Pin them at the top and stitch with your sewing machine around 3 of the edges with a ¼-inch seam allowance about 1 inch from the sheet’s edges. Leave the top edge open so that you’ll be able to add your comforter later.

Turn your sheets inside out, press the edges with your iron, pin them, and sew in a 1-inch seam that just covers your first seam’s allowance. Turn the sheets back to outside out and press them with your iron again.

Hem the opening of your duvet cover if desired. Then, cut off two 10-inch pieces of ribbon and pin each piece to the top and bottom sheets. These should be pinned at increments of around 5 inches inside the opening flaps. Sew them on with your sewing machine and remove the pins.

Slip your comforter inside and tie up the ribbons.

Find Everything You Need for DIY Crafting at GoldStar Tool

Looking for crafting materials, sewing machine parts, DIY ideas, and more? You’ll find everything you need at GoldStar Tool. Contact us today to learn more.