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Picking the Right Dress Forms for Your Next Project

Having a quality sewing machine on hand is essential for people that are looking to create or alter garments regularly. However, when it comes to the delicate details of customized fittings and fabric pinning, investing in a quality dress form is a good idea. 

The following are just a few helpful tips that you can use when it’s time to pick just the proper dress form for your next project.

Consider What You’re Going to Create

Typically, a dress form is built to represent the human torso. The center of the dress form is constructed from hard material, while a combination of foam and fabric is used to cover the outside entirely.

This plush surface is designed to make it easier to pin fabrics. When you’ve found a swatch of material you love and need to shore up measurements before grabbing the sewing machine, this can be a useful feature.

While the overall function of a dress form is relatively universal, the level of specificity you’re aiming for in your final product will determine which style of dress form you’ll need. It will also change the amount you’ll spend on this helpful sewing accessory.

Types of Dress Forms to Choose From

Crafters who are well-versed in putting their sewing machine to good use to create garments will find that there are many choices when it comes to dress forms. These include:

  • Standard
  • Professional
  • Bifurcated
  • Adjustable

By far, a standard display dress form is the least expensive option of the bunch. While the proportions on this style aren’t typically customizable, the height of the form can be altered as needed.

A standard dress form is a good choice for those who are looking to display garments they’ve already taken to the sewing machine. A quality standard display can be found for under $100 online.

Elevated Dress Form Options

When customized construction of garments, including fitting, draping, and accurate pinning, are all a priority, a professional dress form is the way to go. This option comes with more accurate proportions and offers consumers a variety of size selections, too.

Professional dress forms range in price from $150 to $1,000, but they provide much in the way of convenience and mobility, thanks to their wheels.  Collapsible shoulders make it simple to place and remove material, while cage bottoms assist with detailed hemming.

Bifurcated dress forms extend beyond the traditional torso and include legs for people who are creating or hemming pants and shorts. These are popular amongst people who do a lot of pattern work.

Adjustable dress forms include dials that allow for customizable measurements. While pinning can be tricky at the separated seams, this style allows for more creative and well-fitted apparel creations overall.

GoldStar Tool

If you are looking for the perfect dress forms, GoldStar Tool has the forms for you! Look no further, if you have any questions about our products, please contact us! If you have created a dress using our forms or any of our products, tag us on Instagram! Follow us on all social media to stay updated on any sales, giveaways, and new products.