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Top 4 Rotary Cutter Safety Tips

Rotary cutters have saved many avid sewers a ton of time and wrist strain. If you've been using scissors until now, you need to get on the rotary cutter bandwagon. You can quickly and easily cut through multiple layers of fabric. Not to mention they're more accurate than scissors.

When you choose to use rotary cutters know that there are a few pretty necessary accessories. Each of these accessories can not only help you quickly move through projects but can make handling a rotary cutter safer.

No matter what project you are working on, safety should be your top priority.

#1 Hold Your Rotary Cutter Properly

Many people instinctively want to hold a rotary cutter like a knife. Knives, however, do not move forward with the speed or deftness that a rotary cutter does.

To keep careful control of your rotary cutter, you'll want to keep your index finger balanced on the top of the cutter while using your gripping with your palm to monitor the pressure carefully. 

The pressure is a big deal with rotary cutters because the more pressure you apply, the less control you have. Some pressure is necessary, but you also don't want to be too light-handed.

If you have to press down hard, then you likely need a new blade. Changing blades whenever you feel that you need to push down hard can help you avoid any accidental cuts.

#2 Use Safety Gloves

Safety gloves are not exclusively for those who work in industrial settings. Grab yourself a pair, and you can almost guarantee that you won't slice your fingers with the razor-sharp blade of a rotary cutter.

Safety gloves are a great investment, and if you quilt, then you'll need something to protect your fingers when using smaller rulers or to make more precise cuts.

#3 Pattern Weights

You don't need special weights to hold down your fabric, and you can really use any heavy object. However, if you use your hand to hold down a pattern, you're putting yourself at risk for serious injury. Instead, use pattern weights and simply use your hand as a guide or balance while you use the rotary cutter. As a bonus, they'll also boost your accuracy.

The best way to think of pattern weights is to think of them as fabric clips or pins for cutting. While pins make it easier to feed your fabric through a sewing machine accurately, pattern weights make it easier to accurately cut and trim your fabric down the correct size and shape.  

#4 Know About Your Safety Mechanism and Use It!

Crafters can be a bit notorious for setting down rather dangerous household items such as scissors, pins, needles and now, rotary cutters.

Fortunately, most rotary cutters have a safety mechanism that protects you and everyone else from the exposed blade with a small slider or button. Whenever you set a rotary cutter down put the safety on.

If a blade falls off the table, the last things you want is it to nick your hand as you try to instinctively grab it, or worse, injure a child or unsuspecting pet. This can lead to a bit of bleeding, and possibly even hours spent at the emergency room waiting for stitches... Not to mention the guilt afterward.

Be sure to always put the safety on if you are setting the rotary cutters down. It’s also important to remember some of the basics that avid sewers can become complacent with, such as always cutting away from yourself and using sharp blades.

GoldStar Tool has a wide variety of rotary cutters, but no matter which one you are using, be sure to make these safety tips a habit each and every time you cut.